German Shepherd puppy named Mikigus was not lucky in health – he was born with a rare hereditary disease achondroplasia, which leads to dwarfism. But at the same time, the puppy was very lucky with the owners.
Thanks to their kindness, Mikigus lives a full life, spending his days in love and care.
The unusual puppy was born to purebred German Shepherds Temperance and Spartak, pets of an American family from Clarksville, Tennessee.
At first, he was no different from other puppies in the litter, but already in the second month of life, the owners realized that the puppy’s paws did not develop. By four months, he was diagnosed with congenital dwarfism.
Knowing what difficulties await them, the owners did not leave the animal in trouble; they decided to treat it and help overcome the consequences of the disease.
At the age of six months, Mikigus stopped walking. The owners bought him a special stroller and took him out for walks and also carried him out in their arms. To reduce pain, ice cubes were applied to the dog’s paws, but he had fun with them, mistaking them for toys.
The dog had a cheerful disposition, even on difficult days he did not lose heart, he was active and playful. Soon he started walking again. The owners consider him a full member of the family.
The youngest daughter of the owners especially made friends with Mikigus. The girl sincerely became attached to the dog because he is very kind and loves to play with her.
The owner of the dog considers him the best animal in their house because his presence helps to bring up mercy in her daughters.
Thanks to Mikigus, girls from childhood learn the simple truth that everyone is worthy of love and happiness, regardless of physical condition.